My Dental Experience
On Monday, I had the joy of a deep scale and polish at my dentists.
As usual, the hygienist did a quick gum check; prodding, poking and saying random numbers to her assistant.
‘A one, two, two, a one, a two… etc’.
Suddenly she stopped and said, ‘Patient has ETB’.
What the...?
I was in shock. I take great pride in my oral hygiene and the last thing I expected was this.
Then my mind started to whir. ETB? What the heck is ETB?
- Excessive Tooth Breakage?
- Erosion. Top and Bottom?
I couldn’t wait until the end of the treatment. So, with mouth open wide, saliva pump sucking and the ultrasonic descaler hitting three thousand decibels, I garbled:
‘Whah iz Eee Dree Gee?’
‘It’s Electric Tooth Brush, Mr Heppell. You told Emma your dentist that you’d got a new electric tooth brush. How’s it going’.
‘Hine anch ooo’
I was relieved. Very relieved.
But I also gave myself a little talking to.
- Why did I think ‘ETB’ should be something bad?
- Why didn’t I think she was describing my, ‘Exceptional Tooth Base’ or ‘Extra, Tight, Bum?’
It’s classic doubt.
There’s nothing wrong with a little bit of doubt. It keeps you safe, avoids you being ripped off and makes you question what was previously acceptable.
But there is a downside ... when the negative belief becomes the norm.
Listen to your internal dialogue.
Is it looking for what’s right or for what’s wrong?
Either way, it will find it.
Be Brilliant!
PS My new electric toothbrush is amazing and here’s the best bit… 70% off at Amazon here!