The Difference Between an Excuse and a Reason

The Difference Between an Excuse and a Reason

Michael Heppell
Michael Heppell
November 28, 2024

I was called out.

Mrs Hepp looked me in the eye and asked, ‘Is that an excuse?’ I won’t even go into what I’d done 😂.

I confidently replied, ‘No, it’s a reason’.

And so, the debate commenced.

Two hours later the results were in.

Excuses: Comforting Lies or Hidden Truths

Excuses are sneaky. They wrap us in a blanket of comfort, shielding us from the discomfort of taking action. ‘I didn’t have time’ or ‘I’m not ready’ sounds reasonable, right?

But here’s a truth: excuses may feel good in the short term, but they never lead to progress. Often, they’re just fear or uncertainty disguised as logic.

Reasons: The Real Motivators

A reason, on the other hand, is rooted in fact. It’s an honest assessment of a situation, not a way to justify inaction. A reason can offer clarity, guiding you towards what needs to be done. It’s not about avoiding discomfort; it’s about making an informed decision.

Is it really a reason? Or just an excuse?

So how do you know if you’re dealing with a reason or an excuse? Here’s a simple test: ask yourself, ‘Is this helping me move forward, or (honestly) is it holding me back?’ If your answer is the latter, you’re likely in excuse territory.

Reasons, on the other hand, should help you take the next step - even if that step is to pause and re-evaluate.

Flipping Excuses into Actions

Here’s where the magic happens: turn your excuses into fuel for action.

  • Don’t have time? Great - where can you find 17 minutes?
  • Not ready? Perfect - what can you do right now to start feeling prepared?
  • I’m too old. Love it - how can you bring your experience to the table?

Every excuse can be flipped into a proactive step if you’re willing to look at it differently.

Are you stuck making excuses, or are you ready to start tackling the real reasons behind your actions?

I'd love to hear your excuses or reasons below.

Excuses move you back - reasons drive you forward.

Be Brilliant!



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