I called my mate yesterday.
5 hours later he called me back, apologising and explaining he’d been in a meeting. An all afternoon (4 and half hour!) meeting.
‘**How was it?**’ I asked. I’ll leave you to imagine his colourful answer. But here’s a thought. The fact is we need more meetings. Just not the 4+ hour kind.
More short meetings.
20 minutes. Share, listen, make decisions, get out!
Do you know why most meetings last for an hour? Because they’re scheduled in for an hour! If you programme them for 45 minutes, you’ll get just as much done. Promise.
Yes, more – OF THE RIGHT – meetings. More opportunities to get creative. Share, allocate, interact, inspire. And even if you have 45 minutes programmed, should the meat of the meeting take just 20… Wrap it up.
Time is your most valuable asset. Spend it well.
More (shorter) meetings = better interactions = improved results.
Be Brilliant!
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