Let’s talk about stuff.
You know the kind I mean – the gadgets, knick-knacks, and ‘I might need this one-day’ bits and bobs that pile up over time.
Drawers, cupboards and even whole rooms get filled with things we barely look at.
But why do we hold on to so much?
There’s a psychology to it. We collect things for sentimental reasons because they remind us of a moment, a person, a memory.
Or maybe it’s a ‘just in case’ mindset? We think we’ll use that extra set of coffee mugs, or those long-forgotten cables, even if they haven’t seen the light of day in years.
But all this stuff doesn’t just take up space; it takes up energy, too.
William Morris, the designer and poet, had it right when he said: ‘Have nothing in your houses that you do not know to be useful or believe to be beautiful.’
Imagine if every item you owned fell into one of those two categories.
What kind of space would you create?
What kind of freedom?
Here’s a challenge for you. This weekend sees the start of February – Free Up February.
Start small.
On day one, remove one item from your home you no longer need.
On day two, remove two.
On day three, three items, and so on.
By the end of 28 days, you’ll have cleared 406 items that may once have had meaning, but now just fill space. (Yes, I’ve checked the maths!)
Go for it. Take five minutes a day to look at what’s really around you and ask, ‘Is this useful? Is it beautiful?’
If the answer is no, let it go.
You’ll gain not only physical space but mental clarity as well.
Less stuff. More clarity.
And by Feb 28th a home that reflects what truly matters to you.
What stuff can you let go of? I’d love to hear your successes below.
Be Brilliant!